Genetics and Mutations
Here you can find all of the information you will need to design your dragon!
The geno will determine which base coat slider you should use. From the slider, you may colour pick any tone found.
Here you can find all of the information you will need to design your dragon!
The geno will determine which base coat slider you should use. From the slider, you may colour pick any tone found.
Base CoatsAll dragons have a genetically coded base coat.
They are listed in this order: cc/ss/dd/ee The cc stands for the clay allele. The ss stands for the sand allele. The dd stands for the soil allele. The ee stands for the slate allele. If a dragon has one of these alleles they will appear capitalized, like so: Cc/ss/dd/ee If they have two of these alleles they are known to be homozygous, or dominant in arpg terms, and will appear like so: CC/ss/dd/ee Here's a guide on the basecoats. Artisan FlasksArtisan flasks are consumable items that you can purchase or earn throughout the game. These flasks add perks that are highly customizable to your dragons.
Here's some information on the various artisan flasks. Here's a guide on Artisan Flasks! |
Special FeaturesDifferent dragon species have different features!
These features vary across species, but is commonly the membranes, horns or spines of the dragon species. Some dragons have unique colour pallets allowed for these features. Here are some guidelines on their features! Natural ColoursA lot of markings will allow the use of natural colours.
Natural Colours are considered to be Whites, Creams, Tans, Browns, Grays, and Blacks. Here's a Guide on what we call Natural Colours! Customizing your ImportEveryone loves to customize their imports!
Here are some rules on how you can do just that. Customizing your Import! |
- Markings -
Free Markings
Free Markings are, free! You may use as many as you wish. These are used to add a personal touch onto your dragon.
Basic Markings |
- Mutations -
Common Mutations |
Uncommon Mutations |
Rare Mutations |
Special Mutations |