Arborillabor cibumcornu
The Pterax is a wyvern type of dragon that live a more solitary life in the mountains and higher altitude regions. Despite these areas often being cold, the Pterax have a blubber-like layer under their scales to keep them warm.
The Pterax do not have hollow bones like the Avryx do. Instead, they have a smaller body frame with a massive wingspan that can easily support them in flight.
The Pterax are often more territorial and will defend their territories from other Pterax.
The Pterax do not have hollow bones like the Avryx do. Instead, they have a smaller body frame with a massive wingspan that can easily support them in flight.
The Pterax are often more territorial and will defend their territories from other Pterax.
- 14 - 22 ft Long
- 4 - 5 ft Tall
- 14.5 - 22.5 ft Long
- 4.5 - 6.5 ft Tall
- 14 - 22 ft Long
- 4 - 5 ft Tall
- 14.5 - 22.5 ft Long
- 4.5 - 6.5 ft Tall
- Male: 900-1,200 lbs.
- Female: 1,000 - 1,300 lbs
- Female: 1,000 - 1,300 lbs
Unique Traits:
The Pterax have dense bones, which help make them very robust and hardy. Despite many reptilian creatures, the Pterax are warm-blooded enabling them to live in even the coldest environments. Under their scales they have a thick layer of fat to help keep them warm in the often frigid conditions they live in.
The Pterax often live in areas with geothermal activity. In addition to their thicker skin, they use the heat generated by the earth to warm them up.
Pterax crests are often hollow along the top ridge. They can use these much like a parasaur to amplify calls enabling them to communicate at greater distances.
The Pterax often live in areas with geothermal activity. In addition to their thicker skin, they use the heat generated by the earth to warm them up.
Pterax crests are often hollow along the top ridge. They can use these much like a parasaur to amplify calls enabling them to communicate at greater distances.
Pterax are primarily carnivores. They enjoy hunting all sorts of creatures, deer are their favorites.
Pterax live in burrows on the sides of cliffs. They will typically choose a warm location. If a warm location isn't viable, they will often keep a pile of rocks that they will heat to warm their caves. Their nests typically consist of various pelts.
Pterax often bond for life and share the duties of pup rearing. Pterax reach sexual maturity at the ages of 10-20 years old. Pterax often live a long time with their parents. Living with their parents for a longer time increases the odds of survival and learning sufficient skills to survive on their own.
The average lifespan of the Avryx is about 250 years.
Pterax often bond for life and share the duties of pup rearing. Pterax reach sexual maturity at the ages of 10-20 years old. Pterax often live a long time with their parents. Living with their parents for a longer time increases the odds of survival and learning sufficient skills to survive on their own.
The average lifespan of the Avryx is about 250 years.
Very little is known about the Pterax. They seem to be of saurian origin and resemble ancient flying dinosaur species. Due to their rather secluded habitats, very little is known about the species.